The specific city in question exerts its own domestic pressure where its distance away is zero.

Age Factors = 1.0 (Normal Age), 1.5 (Golden Age), 0.5 (Dark Age).Loyalty Pressure = 10 * ( Domestic - Foreign) / ( min + 0.5 ) The precise pressure formula has been identified as followsĭomestic Pressure = Domestic Age Factor * Sum of įoreign Pressure = Sum of The average reduction from foreign cities due to distance is 2/3 so if there is 9 pop of foreign pressure it will roughly equate to 3 for ratio comparisons.
Civ 6 world builder how to increase city population free#
All your own cities vs all other cities not including free cities or city states. In the normal game there is more cities adding to each side of this equation. The ratios roughly equate to the following The two pressures are then calculated as a ratio which is a little under 2:1 in favour of the enemy. If your city had 4 population in a dark age that would be 2 loyalty pressure. So an enemy city of 5 population 5 tiles away in a golden age would give 3.75 loyalty pressure (5*50%*1.5=3.75). This is then multiplied by 0.5 for a dark age and 1.5 for a golden age. The two numbers are compared as a ratio and an outcome of pressure is resolved as a number between +20 and -20 loyalty pressure.Ī pressure is counted as population -10% for every tile distant from the city. Any other cities pressures are added up against you. Any of your cities count as loyalty to you. Population pressure is based on the population of all cities within 9 tiles of a city. The key point to remember is that the only thing that influences other cities is population pressure (an and Amani promotion) All other effect are only applied to the local city. Different loyalty influences affect different sections as summarized in this chapter. In the loyalty detail of a city we see loyalty broken into sections. Unfortunately, it will still list some effects as “other” and these are discussed in the Other section of the Loyalty Sections chapter. The loyalty section of the city details pane shows the most detailed loyalty information available. When you select a city, from the city toolbar you can select the city details pane. Numbers shown reflect the status at the beginning of your turn and are just raw pressure numbers. This is discussed in the Population pressure section. When you select one of your settlers, you may see numbers on the map indicating you will have some loyalty issues settling where there are negative numbers. You can get a summary of your all your cities loyalty in the City Status report The lower part showing civs is discussed in the Free Cities chapter. We will discuss the white sections of this screen in the loyalty sections chapter. This loyalty bar can be expanded by clicking on the civ icon on the bar. This Loyalty bar can be shown for all cities by using the loyalty lens This means the city is 60% loyal to the free city and if it will rebel it will change to be a Polish city. The example left shows clicking on a free cities fist icon bringing up a bar show green for about 60% and Red with the polish icon at the end.

You can move your mouse over the Civ icon on any civ’s city to get a view of the general loyalty state of the cityĬlicking on a cities Civilization icon brings up a small loyalty bar showing the cities loyalty %. There are various useful screens in the game to gain loyalty information When a city changes loyalty this is called here city ‘flipping’.Ī new city starts at 100% loyalty and a captured city starts at 50% loyalty. When a city has 0 loyalty it will rebel and turn into a free city which can in turn change loyalty to your or another civilization.

To counter external loyalty pressure, you gain additional loyalty factors within your city that exert no pressure.Ī city is fully loyal to your country at 100% loyalty or 100 loyalty points. Loyalty based on your population both within a city and nearby account for a large amount of your loyalty and loyalty pressure from other civilizations is also based primarily on population and how they are affected by golden and dark ages. Last updated 5th Feb 2019 - GS is not out yet and there are bound to be additional changes found.